Monday, December 14, 2015

Damla is 6

Damla's 6th birthday celebration was like endless festival this year. We celebrated it in different days with different people and all of them were equally special and fun.

First, grandpa and grandma came from Omaha. They come here every year to celebrate her birthday since she was born. They spoiled her with lots of love, attention and brand new IPad. We had been resisting not buying any tablet for years but finally we had to give in this year. We had fun packed couple days with them. Even we had a chance to have a mini holiday photo session together right before they left.

Her public school didn't forget her birthday. Her teachers gave her a cute little birthday crown and her friends sang the birthday song for her. And also her afternoon school had a mini celebration.

She had her first piano recital on Saturday. She was so nervous and excited. But she still did it. She played "Old McDonald" and "Mary Had a Little Lamb" songs. I was also the photographer of the recital, so I had cheated a little and took couple more poses of her.

But of course the biggest celebration was on Sunday. The weather was so gorgeous that we had grilling   and had bouncy moon in our backyard for her birthday FIRST TIME EVER. She is winter baby so we have always had her parties in one of those indoor birthday places. So it was a first for us. Kids were happy going in and out. The parents were happy not worrying about cold. It was so much fun. Damla wanted to keep all of her friends forever.

I had lots of fun too, but I am glad this birthday madness is finally over. I can focus on Christmas and New Year now.

Thank you all family members and friends who came over, sent messages, post cards and gifts. Her birthday celebration would not be same without you. We love each of you so much. And very special  thank to Wholly Sweets Bake Shop for the wonderful birthday cake.

This year's party theme was My Little Pony. Our new obsession!

This cake was phenomenal. Thank you very much Wholly Sweets Bake Shop!!!

I did a good job with decoration this year :)

My friends have the cutest kids!

Painting this house occupied them couple hours. Great indoor activity idea.

Bouncing never gets old!

Kids were wearing t-shirts and shorts in DECEMBER!

I love this little hole in the middle. Perfect spot to blow the candle :)

Poor Pony piñata!

Best balloon ever. Thanks daddy for this giant Pony balloon !

Damla's Christmas/Birthday photo shoot with grandparents.

And first piano recital!

It is hard to believe we did all just in couple days!

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